Friday, April 17, 2009

Print Media on Life Support?

When I was younger I recall my grandfather telling me stories about how they would get TWO papers every day… one morning and one evening edition. I was astonished. Maybe someday we will tell stories to our grandchildren about what it was like to get a paper at your house every SINGLE day.

More evidence that supports the hypothesis that print media is dying.


  1. This article is a sign of the impending danger our economy is in. Their is a larger migration of advertising revenue going to the internet. But today their are many outlets for free news and editorials it makes it a harder market to compete in. I purchase the sunday times weekly. However I get the the major haedline sent to my phone daily. Due to the creation of technology and how we use it in our daily lives. It is great to have so many options as a consumer, but it hurts the medias botttom line.

  2. I do believe print media is dying but I don't think it is necessarily a bad thing. More people can access their news while on the computer or thier phones. This is better because people can get news faster and share it with more people effortlessly. The Washington Post is taking the right steps by integrating their print and online departments. Other newspapers should do this as well to prepare for the new ways people get their news.

  3. Print media is definitely dying out. With increasing technology people just find it easier to get their daily news through other sources. People have access to internet everywhere which makes things faster and more convenient. Even though it is dying out, I dont think it is necessarily a bad thing.

  4. The print media "newspaper" is dying out. The print media that are mentioned in the article such as the NY times and the Washington post are least likely to stop producing the paper. But local printed news suffers the most. Such as the Bucks country Currier times. When I was younger I delivered these papers they were much heavier than they are now. It also seems that a main way that the newspaper gets financial stability is the advertisement sections which were the bulk of the paper, now it seems like they are shrinking. I would never not buy the BCCC newspaper but I do read it online when I am away to catch up on high-school sports news. This newspaper is in jeopardy and there is no way to cure this besides charging people to hit-the web site

  5. The newspaper industries are dying out, due to the free and easily accessible information online. In my opinion I think the newspaper is a much better source for getting accurate information. It is all too easy for someone to sign online and type up whatever they want and have people read it as being true. Since information can be posted so quickly online, there is a higher percentage of inaccuracies. This is in contrast to journalists who spend months at a time researching and interviewing people about their topic, making sure everything is valid. I also find it much more difficult to sit down and read on the computer then to sit down and read a paper. I just feel that the newspaper is much easier to read and the sources are a little more reliable then online sources are.


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