Monday, April 13, 2009

Game Theory

A couple of Game Theory flicks for you (to remind us of our OPEC curve example). The first is from ‘A Beautiful Mind’, the second comes courtesy of Mankiw. Enjoy.

Update: The movie 'The Informant' was inspired by a real antitrust case that broke up a cartel that fixed the price of Lysine. The secretly filmed video can be found here. (HT: video via Marginal Revolution)


  1. People will always look out for their own best interest rather than sharing the best with another. The girl in the game show totally controlled that poor man into believing her. Her acting was pretty nice, at a point I even believed her. Greed is something that always wins over in the end, with most cases. I really felt bad for that guy in the end. If they both split it, they would walked away happy, but when money is involved it seems as if one side is left to suffer in the end.

  2. Jaclyn-
    This was the perfect example of game theory deception. The girl was so convincing that she mislead the man completely. Game theory shows the dark side of human nature. Humans look out for what is best for themselves and are willing to step on anyone’s’ toes. Greed is a powerful thing especially when money is involved. The girl was so overcome by greed that she used her “innocence” to manipulate the guy (and me) into splitting the money. I was always told to watch out for the innocent ones!

  3. I feel that both parties were able to do the same action of screwing the other one. The problem when some one screw you is that hind sight kicks in and you are mad you didn't do it first. Greed plays a part in this scenario. The girl says " I couldn't go through the expierence of losing the money again". So the scenario of her getting screwed over already happened. Using her hind sight she looked as the her choice as protecting her investment. I bet if the male was in the same positon he would not choose to share the money. Hind sight is 20/20 but sometimes is worth one hundred thousand dollars.


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