Monday, April 25, 2011

College Football Helmet Stickers

Economics is all about incentives. When a college football player does well (in many schools) they get a sticker on the helmet. This is an interesting piece on the incentives this creates for the players. Mony quote:

Now, a study published this month in the online journal PLoS ONE, has given a fresh perspective on this practice: When small rewards become visible trophies of status within a group, male players change their approach in competition, sacrificing their own best interest to serve the needs of the team.


  1. Bruce Chubb

    I found this to be an intresting article. Back when I played middle school football, after each game players were rewared with helmet stickers. Prior to our coaches handing out stickers for good play, the team was never above the .500 mark at the end of the season. However with the new policy of sticker rewards our wins increased and we eventually went to the CYO Championship.

    Getting a helmet sticker proves your worth to the team, the more sticker the more worth. After receiving my first sticker I definently wanted more of them. I can see how a visible sign of worth can dictate attitude and team mentality, it is always better to be considered worthy and one of the guys than a sideline chump.

  2. Andrew Kearney
    MWF 10-1050AM

    This story is particularly intriguing in being a sports fanatic. This incentive-based concept can be seen as a morale boost for both the individual and the team as a whole. Receiving a helmet sticker is not just for show, but rather a representation of hard work, effort and achievement.

    With more incentives in places of business, employees would want to do more work. Perhaps the helmet sticker concept is a good one that needs to be further adopted.

  3. Samantha Anderson
    MWF 9-9:50

    I found this article extremely interesting. I could have assumed that by rewarding players individually, in the end they would work harder in the group setting. In a sense, to continue to gain respect and the status of a hard worker. A helmet sticker must be something players hold with such esteem and pride. As mentioned above this visible sign can definitely be motivational for a player. Also perhaps for a team member who wants to achieve that visible sign of achievement.


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