Should have just given one million to each person in the USA...would have been cheaper :-P But seriously, while it is a lot of cash, a lot of these policies will improve the lives of middle-class and lower-class citizens, and will start closing gaps between people of different SES's and races. We are starting to undue what started in the 80's with Reagan. Obviously, the upper-class will hurt from these policies, and hard. You have to ask yourself if what is gained from this for the vast majority of citizens is worth the upper 1% or so losing some of their wealth...and I believe it is. Hopefully this package will prove its worth.
Should have just given one million to each person in the USA...would have been cheaper :-P But seriously, while it is a lot of cash, a lot of these policies will improve the lives of middle-class and lower-class citizens, and will start closing gaps between people of different SES's and races. We are starting to undue what started in the 80's with Reagan. Obviously, the upper-class will hurt from these policies, and hard. You have to ask yourself if what is gained from this for the vast majority of citizens is worth the upper 1% or so losing some of their wealth...and I believe it is. Hopefully this package will prove its worth.