Thursday, April 30, 2009

Google Unemployment

Google and economic data working hand in hand. Pretty cool.

(HT: Marginal Revolution)


  1. If you click on different geographic areas you will ntoice that the more populated the area the higher the rate of unemployment. I wonder if this means that you can beat unemployment by moving.Probably not. States that are more rural probably arent as wealthy as states that are heavily populated due to that fact.

  2. I found it interesting that the unemployment rate in Lousiana is below the national rate despite the spike after hurricane Katrina.

  3. I thought it was interesting that none of the unemployment rates in the States of the Union, were near the unemployment rates of Porto Rico, though out the time in the graph. I also thought it was interesting to see that some of the states to be starting to have a rebound in unemployment rates, and they have started to have some minimal gains and leveling off in the loss of jobs.


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