Wednesday, March 2, 2011

NFL Labor Fight

For you sports fans, there is a fight starting between the NFL and the NFL PA (NFL Players Association). This is a win for the NFLPA.

The NFL and NFLPA have an agreement that when the NFL negotiates TV contracts it has to try to get the best deal it can. This is relevant to the NFLPA because they share some of the revenue. But the NFL knew there was a new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) that was going to be negotiated between the NFL and NFLPA. They wanted to do what the NBA did, which was get a TV contract that guaranteed them revenue even if there was a lockout (the owners don’t allow the players to play) or a strike (the players decide not to play). To get this they had to sacrifice funds that the NFLPA was apparently entitled to. At least that is what the judge ruled. To quote from the article:

In his 28-page ruling, Doty criticized special master Stephen Burbank for legal errors and erroneously concluding earlier this month that the NFL can act like a self-interested conglomerate when in fact it is bound by legal agreements to make deals that benefit both league and player.

Doty instead declared that the NFL violated its agreement with the union, which had asked that the TV money be placed in escrow until the end of any lockout. A hearing, yet to be scheduled, will be held to determine potential damages for the players as well as an injunction involving the TV contracts.

I have not had enough time to read up on the issue but my initial thoughts are that the NBA was able to do this, so why not the NFL. They both share very similar legal standings in that they both have limited Anti-Trust exemptions. Very curious.


  1. Kristopher Cramer
    MWF 9-950

    The huge difference between the NFL and NBA is that the fan base is so much larger in favor of the NFL and they have so many more players. The NFL not only saved up 4 Billion dollars they did not tell the players about it. You just don't accumulate that kind of cash overnight. They were ready for this lockout for 2 years and it was not in good faith. The NFLPA has a legitimate issue here. The owners want everything and will not budge and inch and then decide to screw over the players with money the players did not even know about.

  2. Abdullah Allen
    MWF 9-950

    Honestly I think the whole issue is ridiculous because both sides are really a bunch of liars. Both sides are telling everyone that they just want to get back to playing football yet they arent budging on any of the issues. The fact of the matter is that money is more important than everything else. I think both sides are really greedy because they want more and more and more yet to negotiate there has to be some type of give and take. I just think the media is eating this issue up and honestly I am tired of hearing about it. I think the NFLPA should stop complaining and the NFL owners should stop acting like your not making billions of dollars.

  3. Samantha Anderson
    MWF 9-9:50

    I have been hearing about a potential lockout within the NFL for the past few years. I don't even follow sports very closely and the fact that I knew this was coming is very telling. It seems as if it was expected and nothing at all was done to change it. It make sense that of course the NFL and NFL PA want to make as much money as possible. That is to be expected. But the fact that money was taken and that the PLAYERS were entitled to it is crazy. There is no NFL without the players.
    I also feel that the NBA and NFL are very different and it is hard to entirely compare their situations. As mentioned above there are so many more players in the NFL and the amount acquired by the NFL is huge. I really hope a lockout doesnt happen..but if it does it is completely understandable.

  4. The NFL lockout does not just affect the owners and players, but the fans. After all the team owners and players negotiations the fans will be paying the tab on this outcome. The NFL Association will be renegotiating with television networks regarding the deals made when/if football has a cancel season and teams' owners will be negotiating with unions and free agents, but who is negotiating with the fans? After all is said and done, owners and players will receive what they are requesting, but the fans will have to apply for a loan just to see a live game.
    Terrie Hawkins

  5. Nicholas Camaioni
    MWF 9 - 10 AM

    Ultimately the NFL Lockout is going to hurt the product as a whole if this issue isn't resolved by the start of the Regular Season. Football is the single most popular sport within our country, and the sport has been turned into a Three Ringed Circus because of this Lockout. The Owners and the Player's Union needs to sit down and stop with all the bickering back and forth with one another. Look to the Lock-outs that have occurred in other sports within our country. Hockey is still recovering from it's last lock-out and Baseball lost a World Series due to their last lock-out. Could you imagine the damage that could be done if there was no Super Bowl next year? This is why I honestly believe that there will be a Settlement by August, but the fans will never forget the games both sides played with one another in an attempt to sway public opinion to their side.

    Despite that, we'll still continue to watch football, because our society is addicted to the sport and every facet that revolves around it.


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