Thursday, April 1, 2010


For the education majors you will enjoy this. I wish I could say it were an April fool's joke, but it is not.

For the Freakonomics fans out there believe it out not there is this documentary coming out.

Update: Another education movie for you called "The Cartel". Looks great.


  1. The "Rubber Room's" that are in New York cities education system that contain 600-900 teachers is not only pointless, but is also a waste of 35 million dollars annually. This institution is an abomination considering it essentially pays teachers their full salaries to sit in a room and await a sort of trial for their alleged misconduct in the classroom.
    Many speculate as to why these " criminals" are being paid with our tax dollars. Others suggest that it is an overzealous attempt by administrators to punish teachers they dislike for minor misconduct. Regardless of the reasoning the money that is lost is completely ridiculous considering the issues the United States is having with funding successful education programs.

  2. This is just another example of the system doing what it can to protect it's ass and not support its teachers. The money the state uses for these "rubber rooms" is money that could be put towards career development for frustrated or out of touch teachers that have classroom management issues, intervention programs to stop drop out rates, or to increase the pay of the teachers who actually do their job. I know as an education major and a part time teacher myself, that classroom management is 80% of the battle in education and without the proper support the education system as a whole will collapse. But the unions make it nearly impossible to fire a tenured teacher regardless of charges or complaints against them. This is why it's possible for the state to waste millions of dollars every year on teachers that have NO business whatsoever in a school. There needs to be some kind of restructuring within the school district, with the main concern being the expedition of the trial process so that teachers don't have to wait around for weeks or months wasting taxpayer money while being completely unproductive.


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