Two Contracts, the first is the intrade contract for a public option being passed and signed into law by the end of June. The second for what intrade calls "Obamacare" (basically the reconsiliation process kicked around in the news right now). Big difference here. Basically the public option looks dead, while the current push looks probable. So the question is "Is Obama pushing too hard for his adgenda?" The answer (according to David Brooks) is who are you asking.
Here is what reads as an unbiased article by someone who is known as 'the' conservative at the New York Times (which is known as left leaning... confusing, right?).
I wish I knew more about this Health Care Plan and more of how it will affect those of us who are covered fully by our parents health care. I don't agree with the New York Times allowing a "the" conservative to post his opinion (goes against the idea of journalists being objective). I do have to agree with him on many people not agreeing with the plan of universal health care. Before I can honestly give my opinion, I would like to study this issue more, because currently I am fully covered by my mothers health insurance and I feel she is paying for that through her taxes already, why should she have to pay for someone else's?