Friday, September 4, 2009

Technology Today

Two very interesting videos via 'Division of Labour'. Two main points here, the obvious one is that technology increases at an increasing rate. Slightly more subtle is the fact that technology does not exhibit diminishing returns (double the amount of technology we more than double our output).


  1. Intersting facts and figures--I am referencing this in a short paper for another class! Thanks for providing.

  2. High IQ
    --Why is their so much emphasis on the IQ test? It does not measure true intelligence. With all of the technology today, there is still no way to measure how intelligent a person trully is. However, there a is a great deal of emphasis on the IQ test. Why?

    According to the Did you know video, compariably, the India has more honor students than the US. Not surprising--education in the US is could be such a hardship. It's not always affordable and needs to be financed. Children and learners are not taught to value education as in other countries. In the US private schools are like mortgages. And public education is not EQUAL. It's no wonder children in India have the ability to achieve an honorary status in school?


  3. i would think that the amount of time it must have taken them to figure out all that info they would have done a longer movie or documentry or something. alot of the info is intersecting but some of it seems unrealistic.

  4. I think that these two videos are very interesting and informative. I did not know most of the facts, and statistics used in the Did You Know video. What I was captured by the most in Ted's video was when he stated that the poverty rate will diminish to under 20 million in 2011. Another thing Ted talked about was how technology now has the ability to create designer babies, and how cures for diseases are developing.

  5. It is interesting to think that a computer will exceed the intelligence of the human brain. People have emotions, they love and want. And I don't think computers will ever have that. But there is no doubt that in another 50 years the technology will be unimaginable, as the technology we have today was unimaginable 50 years ago.

  6. That was interesting. I never really thought about half the things this video showed. it is crazy to think that india is smarter than the u.s. It is also crazy to think about how fa we have come in technology.ope there is neve a computer that exceeds the human race,for humans have always been the highest in "food chain".

  7. That was so interesting, and I was surprised that a quarter of that stuff did not surprise me. Technology today is getting better and better each day. Yet you cannot help but wonder if technology is becoming too good? Can we picture ourselves without it? I can tell you right now that majority of the world, including myself, more than likely cannot.

  8. How will we ever catch up? I am studying to be a teacher and I am worried how will I ever catch up. Since there is so technology how will I keep up with the lastest technology in the classroom. Who will teach me? I am in a technology class now but it is hard to follow becuase a lot of the information is new to me. It is a great thing that technology is changing because without it it would take longer for things to be done. Fast is what we need.


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