Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Global Poverty

Here is a good Op-Ed piece in the NY Times on Financial Aid. One very interesting paragraph, and a nice complement:

When I was in college, I majored in political science. But if I were going through college today, I’d major in economics. It possesses a rigor that other fields in the social sciences don’t — and often greater relevance as well. That’s why economists are shaping national debates about everything from health care to poverty, while political scientists often seem increasingly theoretical and irrelevant.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hemp for Victory

Via ‘Marginal Revolution’ we get this link for legalizing Hemp. Plenty of interesting information, but what is perhaps the most interesting is that it was made by the US government.

(No you can not cite this as a source on your position paper)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Allocating Cuts in Education

Our government is spending more than the taxes it takes in. This has gone on for a while, and happens on all levels of government (federal, state, and local). Lately the states have done so with the help of the stimulus package a couple of years ago. It just ran out and the states have to figure out how to deal with that problem.

Step one seems to be accepting this fact and taxing more or spending less (the latter in the case of PA). Step two is who to tax or who to cut. This article seems to move from step one into step two of this process for education. In other words, how should the state properly allocate the cuts more efficiently?

Welcome Summer 2011!

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